MedlinePlus Connect i brug
Vivian Patrick
10 Juni 2021
7 Marts 2025

Nedenfor er sundhedsorganisationer og elektroniske sundhedsregistreringssystemer, der har fortalt os, at de bruger MedlinePlus Connect. Dette er ikke en omfattende liste.
Hvis din organisation eller dit system bruger MedlinePlus Connect, skal du kontakte os, så tilføjer vi dig til denne side.
Deltag i MedlinePlus Connect e-mail-listen for at holde øje med udviklingen og udveksle ideer med dine kolleger. Denne e-mail-liste vil være nyttig for sundheds-IT-udviklere og andre interesserede brugere.
Organisationens navn | Beliggenhed |
Aurora Health Care | Eastern WI og Northern IL |
Buffalo Medical Group, P.C. | Buffalo, NY |
Cleveland Clinic | Cleveland, OH |
Halifax Regional Medical Center | Roanoke Rapids, NC |
Indisk sundhedstjeneste | Serverer medlemmer af føderalt anerkendte stammer |
Institut for Familiesundhed | New York, NY |
LSU Sundhed | New Orleans og Shreveport, LA |
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital / Columbia University Medical Center | New York, NY |
Novant Health | Winston-Salem, NC |
Providence Hospital | Washington DC |
Sutter Health System | Nordlige CA |
Swinomish Tribal Medical Clinic | La Conner, WA |
Texas Health Resources | Arlington, TX |
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center | Columbus, OH |
University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT |
EPJ og andre systemer
Produkt |
AaNeelCare EHR |
AccessMeCare |
Avanceret MD EHR |
Allscripts Enterprise EHR 11.4.1 |
Allscripts Professional EHR 13.0 |
Allscripts Solopgang 6.1 |
AlphaFlexCMS 1.0 |
ASP MD Medical Office System |
BackChart EHR |
Cara EHR |
ChiroPad EMR |
ChiroSuite EHR |
CentriHealth's Individual Health Record (IHR) |
ClinicTracker |
ClinicTree |
ComChart EMR |
Cyfluent EHR |
Dexter Solutions eZDocs |
drchrono EPJ |
DrFirst Patientrådgiver |
DrFirst Rcopia |
E HealthVision Inc. E H R-system |
e-MD'er |
EnableDoc EHR |
Enablemyhealth Patient Portal |
enki EHR |
Episk MyChart |
EYEFinity EHR |
ezAccess |
Falcon EHR |
Find-A-kode |
Humetrix iBlueButton |
ICANotes EHR |
iChartsMD EHR |
iChartsMD Hospital Information System |
InteliChart patientportal |
Intivia InSync EMR og Practice Management System |
MedcomSoft patientportal |
MedcomSoft Record 5.0.6 |
Medicinsk Mastermind EHR |
Meditech |
meridianEMR |
MeTree-software |
MTBC WebEHR 2.0 |
MyHEALTHware Care Coordination & Patient Engagement Platform |
EN-elektronisk sundhedsjournal |
Orion Health Patient Portal |
Procentive |
QuicDoc EHR |
Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) EHR |
Rise Health Patient Relationship Manager |
RxNT |
SammyEHR |
Safir EHR |
Sevocity EHR |
SmartEMR 6.0 |
SmartPHR |
SOAPware EHR |
Stratus EMR |
Systemedx |
UnifiMD |
UroChartEHR |
WEBeDoctor |